MEP Spa is a company that devotes significant resources to the research and development of its products, both from the point of view of technological innovation on the frontier of Industry 4.0 and of compliance with the relevant mandatory regulations, also on evolving issues such as safety in the workplace and the environment.
Moreover, as regards:
• MEP Spa considers the working conditions of its employees fundamental because it believes that only with a proper work-life balance - by offering also the possibility of working from home and using the welfare tools provided by collective bargaining - it is possible to have happier and, consequently, more productive workers;
• MEP Spa considers the social dialogue with the workers' union representatives to be fundamental since it believes that only through constant dialogue, involvement and appropriate consultation with the social partners most widely recognized by the workers it is possible to pursue continuous improvement for the well-being of all interested parties within the company;
• MEP Spa considers it fundamental that every worker has a path of professional growth within the company as it strongly believes in its human capital and promotes continuous training to increase technical and non-technical skills of all its employees by adopting all that is provided by the national collective agreement of reference for the metalworking sector and integrating it with courses for the so-called "No Technical Skills", such as the Business Coaching to improve internal communication and management of relationships between workers;
• MEP Spa considers it essential that every worker has fulfilled compulsory schooling required by current regulations (<14 years) and undertakes not to employ a work force below that age;
• MEP Spa promotes equity, diversity and inclusion within its organization by raising staff awareness of the relevant issues and removing any possible discrimination, thereby fostering a totally inclusive environment, as expressly indicated in the Code of Ethics, and adopting, from the current year, a Management System for gender equality pursuant to UNI/PDR 125:2022;
• MEP Spa believes that respect for human rights is also fundamental for stakeholders outside its organization. To this end, Mep is constantly committed to the protection of rights and, being a strong reference point for the local community, it considers very important the relationship with the territory through participation in local initiatives. In addition, starting from this year, the company adopts the ISO 26000:2020 guidelines related to social responsibility to further improve this aspect within its organization.
Moreover, as regards:
• MEP Spa promotes water saving through proper water management made of targeted investments and constant monitoring of its consumption, considering it a valuable asset ("blue gold") and limited resource to be used correctly without dispersion and/or waste and sensitizing all interested parties;
• MEP Spa considers it essential to manage its impact on air pollution through compliance with applicable legislation, but also through targeted investments to limit its emissions as much as possible by ensuring constant monitoring of its impact for a constant decrease over time;
• MEP Spa promotes a proper management of waste and dangerous substances within its organization through compliance with applicable regulations, but also through suitable storage with relevant mapping, targeted investments, raising the awareness of all staff to recycle, using the appropriate containers located within the company and constantly researching on the market chemicals with minimal impact on both people and the environment;
• MEP Spa constantly researches and evaluates the potential environmental impacts arising from the use of its products and their end of life, researches and uses components as recyclable as possible, indicates in the manuals the correct disposal according to the principle of "DNSH" (Do Not Significant Harm) and seeks continuous improvement also through the adoption of ISO 14006:2020 to develop LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) analysis on its flagship products.
• MEP Spa constantly innovates its products also for the Health and Safety of its Customers - not only for the obligations provided by current regulations - by investing important resources on digitalization and remote control in order to minimize the possibility of accidents and, at the same time, to guarantee the Customer a complete control over the product itself;
• MEP Spa constantly innovates its products also with regard to sustainable consumption by designing low-consumption and increasingly performing machinery and by adopting ISO 14006:2020 to seek continuous improvement.
Moreover, as regards:
• MEP Spa is committed to respect the principles set out in the corporate Code of Ethics regarding potential conflicts of interest through the awareness and training of its staff to avoid the potential arising of such phenomena;
• MEP Spa is committed to respect the principles set out in the corporate Code of Ethics regarding the prevention of any commercial fraud, which may give rise to an illegal competitive advantage for the company (e.g. greenwashing);
• MEP Spa is committed to respect the principles set out in the corporate Code of Ethics regarding the prevention of the crime of money laundering by ensuring complete traceability of all its financial and accounting operations;
• MEP Spa is committed to respect the principles set out in the corporate Code of Ethics regarding potential competitive practices through the awareness and training of its staff so that they work always following the principle of free competition;
• MEP Spa is committed to respect the principles set out in the corporate Code of Ethics regarding the security of information by ensuring compliance with current legislation on privacy and by implementing all the measures provided for by the relevant European regulation 2016/679.
Moreover, as regards:
• MEP Spa is committed to seek suppliers who respect all the rights of their employees relating to working conditions (e.g. safety, workplace hygiene, etc.).
• Revision of the Risk Assessment for MLH (manual load handling) with re-design of critical workstations, materials and operations;
• Update of Chemical Risk Assessment;
• Update of Risk Assessment for VDU workers;
• Adaptation of crane lifting accessories with replacement or external manufacture of certified specific accessories;
• Completion of the Pro 4 revision and maintenance sheets.
• Insertion of a new filter system on Mazak No. 1 and 2 for reduction of oil waste and generation of clean chips;
• Purchase of a new compressor for shipping department, R department and spare parts warehouse;
• Purchase of additional LEDs to cover the entire mechanical workshop;
• Replacement of the compressor in the shipping department with a new one in order to reduce energy consumption by 5%.
Pergola, 7 September 2023
The Executive Board
Eng. Giuseppe Troiani
environmental policy
MEP Spa has always placed at the center of its business management the protection of the environment by observing strict regulation aimed at reducing the environmental effects of its organization’s activities.
quality policy
The MEP Spa Quality Management System obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification in 2017.
Our Quality Management System has always aimed to conduct business practices with the purpose to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in product manufacturing and service provision, and to obtain and increase customer satisfaction.
safety policy
The MEP Spa Safety at Work Management System obtained OHSAS 18001:2007 certification in May 2008, which was then replaced by BS ISO 45001 in 2018.
This certification marks the end point of a path of attention and improvement on health and accident prevention issues, which have always been of primarily importance to the company.
In recognition of our commitment, on 19 July 2023 MEP S.p.a. was awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal.
MEP Spa values the diversity of its staff and is committed to improving the well-being of employees, pursuing business goals in accordance with the principles of Social Responsibility.
It promotes gender equality through corporate policies encouraging equal opportunities at all stages of the career path, from recruitment to career development.
With a focus on merit and long-term sustainability, MEP Spa seeks to create an inclusive culture that recognizes and values each individual.
In recognition of our commitment, on 29 February 2024 MEP Spa obtained the UNI/PDR 125:2022 certification.